And what a year it has been. I can't believe its come and gone. The end of the year always serves as a reminder to live with no regrets and delight in everyday because they go by all too quickly. But before the year is all done I want to leave a record of things I will always remember about this great year.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I delight in 2010.
And what a year it has been. I can't believe its come and gone. The end of the year always serves as a reminder to live with no regrets and delight in everyday because they go by all too quickly. But before the year is all done I want to leave a record of things I will always remember about this great year.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I delight in snow.
Friday, December 24, 2010
I delight in home for the holidays.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
I delight in a girls day!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I delight in finals week blessings.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I delight in crossing things off.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I delight in santa clause and little kids.
Joyful moment of the day.
Monday, December 6, 2010
I delight in here.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I delight in Lucky.
This is my precious dog Lucky. Anyone who knows me well will be saying: "Erin, dog, precious, what?" Well...I may not be a 'pet' lover...BUT, I have a HUGE soft spot in my heart for this dog! She is my baby. When she was a puppy, we would fall asleep together every night. She'd lay on my chest as is evidenced in a plethora of pictures. In one picture, I'm even holding her while I do my Algebra homework! She was so cuddly and hasn't ever stopped, even now, she just wants to be loved. Of course, isn't that what we all want, to be loved? Anyway, point of this post is to say that I delight in having her in my life for 10 years! My water dog, my pretty poochie, the sprinkler lover, the milk chocolate one, the leaner.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I delight in vegetation.
Friday, December 3, 2010
I delight in t's!

After THIS happened, I was pretty distraught. How to survive grad school without a properly functioning 't' key was getting a little worrysome. I could still get a t out of it but it took a lot of effort AND I noticed a dramatic decrease in my typing effectiveness. But alas, good news. Maybe it was the extra exercise I gave the t-key when I pushed it down a lot in frustration. Maybe it was my computer freezing in my car for a while yesterday. Maybe it was just tired but either way. As you can see, iT's back and funcTioning properly! :)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I delight in finding.

Life is all about finding.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I delight in being able to say next month!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I deligh in no 's.

Monday, November 29, 2010
I delight in no regrets.

Sunday, November 28, 2010
I delight in November 2010.
November is one of my favorite months. Its been good to me this year and I want to share with you some brief experiences and delights I've had in this good month.
- Recognizing how complicated I make things sometimes and how unnecessary that is.
- Speak now. And say what you mean to say. Taylor and John say it best. Lots of potential issues could be resolved this way.
- One of the best decisions I made this month is the decision to step away from facebook. Its something I've thought long and hard about and its the right thing for me for right now. I say that because I want you to know that I don't think facebook is inherently bad and I don't judge anyone who uses it. For all I know the time will come when I'll come back to it but for now my choice is made. That being said, I do intend to be better at my personal communications with those I love and care about. And I do mean personal communication...letter writing is a lost art, phone calls out of the blue never go out of style and dropping by someones house needs to make a comeback.
- November taught me a thing or two about answers to prayers and how the spirit speaks to me.
- I've very much missed my mission this month because this is my first November being back in the hussle and bussel of things. I'm grateful to have a renewed perspective from those two years away of what matters in this season.
- 24...24 times in 24 hours. I've been waiting years for that.
- 18 days of being 24 with my big brother.
- I delighted a lot in my family this month. Good news from Dads doctors. Christin's cute card creation for my birthday. Craig showed me his 'secret place'--his safe spot in the church building. And Mom, bringing me a load of soup and oranges when I was sick.
- Finally eating at the long awaited Ganesh with Nat on my birthday. And running around downtown Ogden in a santa suit with her. An event I'll never forget.
- Spiritual experiences while reading the book of Isaiah.
- Sharing a great thanksgiving with my family and hearing all the things they're grateful for.
- Singing in the choir.
- Black Friday traditions.
- Snow.
- Being able to love, lift, and smile.
- Advent making with C & C.
- Amazing clinic experiences.
- And my final delight--not eating any more turkey sandwiches.
Friday, November 26, 2010
I delight in a cheering conundrum.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I delight in thanksgiving.
Monday, November 22, 2010
I delight in little gems.
I delight in the little "gems" that end up in my inbox everyday. Always the right message at the right time. Just that little reminder I needed. And so, today I share the gem with you...
Ezra Taft Benson, "All This and the Gospel Too," New Era, Nov. 1991, 4
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I delight in simple days.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I delight in hope.
Friday, November 19, 2010
I delight in fair journalism.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I delight in synthesizing.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I delight in 10 simple things.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I delight in rest.
It is through the healing Atonement of Jesus Christ that we may have the strength to stand tall and strong and to have our souls be filled—with light, understanding, joy, and love. His invitation is extended to “all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him” (2 Nephi 26:33). His promise is:
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:28–29).
Of this rest President Joseph F. Smith said:
To my mind, it means entering into the knowledge and love of God, having faith in his purpose and in his plan, to such an extent that we know we are right, and that we are not hunting for something else, we are not disturbed by every wind of doctrine, or by the cunning and craftiness of men who lie in wait to deceive. We know of the doctrine that it is of God, and we do not ask any questions of anybody about it; they are welcome to their opinions, to their ideas and to their vagaries. The man who has reached that degree of faith in God that all doubt and fear have been cast from him, he has entered into ‘God’s rest’
(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith [1998], 56).
See complete talk here: "Rest unto Your Souls" Elder Per G. Malm of the Seventy, Ensign, Nov 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I delight in my study of Isaiah.
Last week, I began my study of the book of Isaiah, yep Isaiah of the Old Testament. To be honest, I've always been completely intimidated by the writings of Isaiah. I felt they went right over my head and always left me wondering what I read. However, I decided it was time to fix that. And so, with much prayer and the help of the Old Testament Student Manual I have begun my study so I'll probably share things I learn along the way---like I usually do--things that make me delight!
(13-11) Isaiah 2:3. “Out of Zion Shall Go Forth the Law . . . the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem”
President Joseph Fielding Smith gave the following explanation of this prophetic statement of Isaiah:
“We are informed in the revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, that the city of Zion and the New Jerusalem is one and the same. [D&C 28:9; 42:9; 45:66–67; 57:2; 58:7.] . . .
“Jerusalem of old, after the Jews have been cleansed and sanctified from all their sin, shall become a holy city where the Lord shall dwell and from whence he shall send forth his word unto all people. Likewise, on this continent, the city of Zion, New Jerusalem, shall be build, and from it the law of God shall also go forth. There will be no conflict, for each city shall be headquarters for the Redeemer of the world, and from each he shall send forth his proclamations as occasion may require. Jerusalem shall be the gathering place of Judah and his fellows of the house of Israel, and Zion shall be the gathering place of Ephraim and his fellows, upon whose heads shall be conferred ‘the richer blessings.’ . . .
“These two cities, one in the land of Zion and one in Palestine, are to become capitals for the kingdom of God during the millennium.
“In the meantime, while the work of preparation is going on and Israel is being gathered, many people are coming to the land of Zion saying: ‘Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob.’ The Latter-day Saints are fulfilling this prediction, since they are being gathered from all parts of the earth and are coming to the house of the Lord in these valleys of the mountains. Here they are being taught in the ways of the Lord through the restoration of the gospel and by receiving blessings in the temples now erected. Moreover, before many years have passed away, the Lord will command the building of the City Zion, and Jerusalem in Palestine will in due time be cleansed and become a holy city and the habitation of the Jews after they are cleansed and are willing to accept Jesus Christ as their Redeemer.” (Doctrines of Salvation, 3:69–71.)
While the Saints await the time of the establishment of these world centers, the principle of sending forth the law has been associated not only with the spread of the gospel and its blessings, but also with the providing of a climate in which the gospel work can grow. President Harold B. Lee said:
“I have often wondered what that expression meant, that out of Zion shall go forth the law. Years ago I went with the brethren to the Idaho Falls Temple, and I heard in that inspired prayer of the First Presidency a definition of the meaning of that term ‘out of Zion shall go forth the law.’ Note what they said: ‘We thank thee that thou hast revealed to us that those who gave us our constitutional form of government were men wise in thy sight and that thou didst raise them up for the very purpose of putting forth that sacred document [the Constitution of the United States—see D&C 101:80]. . . .
“‘We pray that kings and rulers and the peoples of all nations under heaven may be persuaded of the blessings enjoyed by the people of this land by reason of their freedom and under thy guidance and be constrained to adopt similar governmental systems, thus to fulfill the ancient prophecy of Isaiah and Micah that “. . . out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”‘ (Improvement Era, October 1945, p. 564.)” (“The Way to Eternal Life,” p. 15).