Thursday, February 11, 2016

Before Our Time

Leave it to Jon Foreman to once again sing a song straight to my heart.

I listened to this song for the first time a week ago and probably 50 times since then.

Time is a funny thing. It is an illusion, it is a curse. But like most things in life, time is all about action. Its about what we choose to do with it and how we make the most of it. It's about intention.

Sometimes, okay a lot of the time, I get wrapped up in time. I don't have enough time, there is too much time, I need to spend more time, I need to spend less time, what time, how long do you think that will take? I'm somewhat of a planner person, or a lot of a planner person. Now, that's not to say that every minute of everyday need be scheduled with something monumental or even something. Although my planner might suggest it, I have come to prescribe to a balance of planned time and unplanned time.

I find that it is generally during those unplanned times that I take the time, make the time to enjoy the beauty around me, express gratitude for the mercies of the Lord and for the miracle of mortality. It is in those unplanned times that I sing the songs of my heart. Literally. I love to sing. It's something that brings me deep joy and happiness. It is both my release and my relax. Living with others and working constantly surrounded by others, I realized about 6 months ago that I stopped singing and started trying to figure out how I could sing more (hello calling as the ward music co-chair and choir director, answer to a prayer!)

Over the past 4 months, I've started singing again. Singing more of songs out loud rather than just in my heart. I still don't usually sing when others are around, usually just when I'm in the safe confines of my car, or the echoing ebbs of my shower. This practice has been so positive in my life. There is something that has become so rejuvenating and invigorating about singing. In a sense, I'm making time to sing before my time runs out.

Life isn't about living the moments, its about making the moments count!

And so, while intentional is all about choosing, planning and making things happen, don't forget to sing before your time runs out.

"Let us sing before our time runs out."

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