Friday, April 8, 2011

I delight in beautiful snow.

Someone once told me eskimos had 16 words for snow. Wikipedia just informed me that wasn't true. But according to me (and wikipedia can't be wrong about me) there are 3 kinds of snow...
1. Blowey snow: hello maritimes. Supposedly the snow is falling down but it swirls around so much its like the charlie brown song, "the snow grows up just like the flowers."

2. Snowball snow: again, not so common here in Utah (home of supposedly the "best snow on earth" but in the maritimes there's a saying "big snowflakes, short snow, little snowflakes, long snow."

3. Beautiful snow: this snow is my favorite. It seems to be in now rush. It falls at its own rate and in its own time. This snow is my favorite for taking pictures (see above). This snow is my favorite for being out and about in. Its like living in a snow globe. This is the snow that has been falling for and entire 24 hours now...I have yet to be sick of it.

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