Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I delight in being inspired.

I've decided for the next few weeks, I'll mostly be posting a series of my favorite inspirational phrases. They're not really quotes because none of them are longer than a line, but they're all essentially lessons I've learned that have greatly impacted my life. Please share things that have inspired you or 'one-liner' lessons you've learned. Somedays I'll share stories about how I learned the lesson and other days, I'll just share the lesson. And so, for you go:

"Be so good at what you do that they cannot ignore you."

Last night I went to a screening of the documentary film MissRepresentation. While I can't say I would necessarily recommend it due to some graphic images, I think its a phenomenal movie. And the images aren't anything you haven't seen before. The basis of the movie is how women are represented in film and media. What we worry about. What we allow to consume our thoughts and the focus of our time. Its sad really. We as women must not allow our divine nature and character to be demoralized by degrading media that constantly advertises that being a 'real' woman is dependent on our relationship with men and how we look. Someone during the course of the movie mentioned that if women spent 10% of the time they spend worrying about their weight and how they look on just doing good, we could change the world.

As I drove home and reflected on the role of women from the perspective of the gospel, I couldn't help but smile as I recognized how women are empowered by the true restored doctrines in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I truly believe that God wants a powerful people, powerful men and powerful women. The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world, that is power and that power is not to be taken lightly. We can impact lives in a very unique and wonderful way thus it is our responsibility as women to be well educated, to know who we are, why we're here, and to recognize the impact we can have on those around us.

As I discussed life and the gospel with my Mom yesterday, we talked about how serving in the church, specifically serving other women can be hard sometimes. But life isn't supposed to be a 'hoodie of happiness.' The armor of God was not designed to be comfortable it was designed to help us bring about the work of salvation.

Let us be inspired to do a little more good. Let us take a stand in not supporting forms of women that don't represent women in appropriate ways.

What does all this have to do with the initial quote? Well its from the movie and I think its profound. YOU can make a difference in the world, don't doubt that. Sometimes though, it takes being so good at what you do that no one can ignore you.

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