its 12:30 in the morning. i have been trying to avoid this hour lately...its far too early and far too late for bed. but tonight, i felt the need to write a little something about life as it currently stands.
lately, i have been thinking a lot about all the many things i have to be grateful for. a new bed (should that really be at the top of my list you ask? if only you knew what i've been sleeping on the last month!), a job that i really do love even though it stresses me out sometimes, a family that loves me completely, whole heartedly and 100% all the time, even when i'm less than the best, and sometimes just flat out mediocre, the influence of the gospel of jesus christ. i am so grateful to be a member of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints and for all the goodness in my life that is a direct result of my membership and belief in the church and in my savior jesus christ. i am grateful that he is my savior, king and for his kindness, gentleness and example of longsuffering. i'm grateful he binds wounds and heals the broken hearted. i am grateful that he is my way back home to my father in heaven. i am grateful for all the many wonderful influences in my life. quality friends who love me, who get me and who put up with my direct and indirect remarks. who help me learn and let me ramble. who lead such good lives and stand as amazing examples to me in everyway and everyday. i am grateful for opportunities to stretch, grow and serve. i'm grateful that tomorrow is a new day. i'm grateful for beginnings and endings and for knowing that i'm not made for endings. i'm grateful for temples and for the peace we can feel there. i am grateful for the ability to participate in creation of so many things. whether its the creation of a skill that someone didn't have but they learn or the creation of a meal i can share with my friends...creation makes me happy. i'm grateful for revelation and the opportunity to learn through the spirit. i am most grateful for hope. hope in the future, hope made possible through the atonement of jesus christ and hope that blessings come.