Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I delight in honesty.

Last week, I spent a lot of time with this little beast pictured above. Something I admire a great lot about little Rubes is that she, as a dog and a puppy at that has to be honest with herself. After all her brain just doesn't have all the folds that we do. It has no choice than to live by instinct. So, she lives a life barking at squirrels, scratching here, there and everywhere, eating pinecones, chasing butterflies, sleeping where'er she pleases, the list goes on and on. Her personality shines through everything she does. As I watched her, observed her, studied her that she is really good at something that she probably has no choice to be any different but its a quality I admire--she's true to who she is--my butterfly chasing, ankle biting puppy dog named Ruby (or as we've begun to call her--rubyrubyroo (with the same intonation as scooby-dooby do).

I on the other hand have the choice to be honest with myself and true to who I am.

That is a powerful ability.

"And all this can ye do if ye will." (Alma 33:23)

We choose, I choose.

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