Friday, November 6, 2015

I delight in sincere kindness.

Tonight, I have been overwhelmed with kindness.

My family came to my house. It was the first time they'd all come when my house was in a place to have people for dinner! It was so nice to enjoy dinner with people around my dining table! They were so happy and it made me so happy that they were happy in my space and place!

Then came a knock at the door and one of my Dad's friends from elementary school and still to this day, was on my porch with a really excited look on his face. He was like, come on outside, I have something to show you, come with me.

Now they'd been to my house before. In fact, they're one of two families who I know who live in the close vicinity to where I live. They'd stopped by when I had barely moved in and the place was a complete disaster but they were my first visitors and it made me so happy to have them! Fast forward to today when they bought me the sweetest housewarming gift. A 43" television.

I'm not a huge TV watcher, but I do watch my shows. It's also a social thing, so its nice to be able to have a place

The point of the story is that these are people who are well off, but they're people who give with their whole hearts and share the kindness that is in them with others. They set the example for me that giving is always how you can be ahead in life and make the most out of life!

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