Sunday, March 13, 2016

Week 9/10 : Who I was and who I am, the colliding of worlds

Highlights of the week/s:

  • dinner with friends from high school--rach, nicole, sus and nat
  • running into people i love in unexpected places
  • wandering the library and going to the gym
  • finishing a book on tape--blink
  • caulking my pantry--to ward away the ants
  • cleaning the garage--for the sake of my sanity
  • cataloging my small food storage--the only thing that has order in my storage room
  • meeting my new neighbor--who also has a brother with ds
  • great phone calls with friends--aka nat
  • disney on ice with christin and my mom. a trip to litza's and a trip to the disney store where i am ever humbled by the kindness and generosity of others (see story 1)
  • playing and visiting with car and the babes--who aren't wee bobbies anymore, they're mini people
  • waffle love with mary 
  • seeing patients
  • reading books, soaking in books upon books
  • becoming curious because of what I've read
  • good tinder matches (because that does not always happen)
  • happy reunions
  • digging for rocks
  • going down a path i'd never been down before
  • the smell of cooked cabbage
  • tulips popping up out of the ground
  • spending time with my family
  • my dad bringing me a heated blanket
  • choosing carpet! finally!
  • cleaning my garage
  • singing songs
  • megan's homecoming
  • following promptings
  • sweet surprises

Today I had the delightful opportunity to reunite with dear friends for the homecoming of a sister I had the privilege of serving in a Relief Society calling with. As the other 3 of us sat together, watching this sister speak of the experiences she has had over the past 18 months, my heart swelled with gratitude for that time in my life (the time of a mission and the time i had serving with her) and for the time I currently have, to be where I am.

I find that in "reunion moments" where lives previous and current collide; perspective, peace and substance emerge out of the whirlwind. In the moment, it can be hard to determine why you're there, what you're supposed to be contributing and if you're doing the good you could. Immediately reflecting back, it can still be hard to see but as time goes by...perspective, peace and substance emerge.

Today's experience took me back. It reminded me that 18 months ago I was living at home during what was supposed to be a "short transition time" which transitioned into two and half years. During that time, I commuted 30 minutes to work 1 way on a good traffic day to my full-time job as a brand new speech pathologist. I completed a post-grad fellowship program which took my Friday's on the road from Salt Lake to Logan and required a lot of reading, research and time and I served in a relief society presidency in my home YSA ward. It was a busy time which at the time seemed like an eternity and now seems like it all happened in the blink of an eye.

I've read a lot in the past week and something that has stood out to me in all that I have read is the value of the middle. When we start the retell of a story, we begin with the beginning set up and then we skip to the end, the resolve, how it all turned out. The value of the end is only of value because of the experiences we had in the middle. Sometimes I talk about my life in these phases of almost separate lives because while some people cross the time phases, a lot don't. When location changes, its almost like everything changes in a sense. I really think its more that when you move to a new place, its a way to kind of "capstone" a phase of life. Some people have children to "capstone" phases, maybe places they've lived, jobs...I have places I've lived and roommates I've had, wards I've been in, callings I've had.

The perspective, peace and substance of that time in my life came today. It reminded me that the past has been good, really good. That I have grown since then and have continued to be shaped by my opportunities. That the lessons I've learned have been stepping stones to further growth and attainment. It reminded me that the past is never really over. The people you got to know and grew to love are always there, maybe in a different way but they are always there. As Megan spoke of sacrifice and the worth of sacrifice, I thought of various sacrifices made by myself and others who have contributed to the "bettering" in someway. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven.

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