Monday, October 24, 2016

week something of something in 2016

A few weeks ago, I knew I'd have to finally do something I'd been putting off for literally years. So this weekend, I got all my gear together...when both external hard drives come out, you know something is really going down. And down it did. I kind of haven't updated my operating system in...well since I bought it...during grad school. Yep, good thing I've been graduated for four years (which means it's been 5 years). In computer world, that's a small eternity. But really.

So I backed up everything I owned and started the update process. I'm happy to report that 90 hours later...we are all updated and I only had to delete everything once and recover from a time machine back up! And I only spent 47 minutes on the phone with an apple specialist for the most productive and helpful technical experience of my life! Thank you Edwin!

When it stopped backing up my phone (oh about a year ago) I decided I better do something about it. Procrastination at it's finest. Anyway, I'm excited to be back in technical business so I can share some pictures! Finally! 

2016 has taken me on some fabulous adventures and I'm so excited to share them. 

On a different note, it's come that time of year when I get a little more reflective. It's the fourth quarter, the end of the year, the time when I start contemplating how I'm going to turn a new number and this year a new decade of my life. As I reflect on the last 30 years, they've been so good. Sincerely. A lot has happened in them. And it's led me to where I am now with a lot of quality experiences that have taught me about people, kindness, the gospel, and Heavenly Father's plan for His children. Sitting in Stake Conference this last weekend, a question was posed that has stuck with me.

How comfortable are you with Heavenly Father's plan for you? 

Honestly, it's about the only thing I remember from the meeting. But it has really resonated with me. I have had a testimony for a long time about the Plan of Salvation, Plan of Happiness, Plan of Redemption. But specifically that plan for me?

Well his plan for me and my plan for myself have looked different. I've recently run across a number of "5" and "10" year plans I wrote for myself, things I wanted to do before I turned 30, and all the goals I've made over the years (I've been compiling them and so much more but more on that later). It's been absolutely amazing to see all the things I've been blessed enough to do and how many goals and dreams have been realized. And then there's the glaring one at the top that linger's "un-crossed off"...eternal marriage. 

Fortunately, marriage isn't something to be crossed off, a box to be checked, or a reward for being a good person. I'm certain it is worth the wait. And I know it is in God's plan for me. It's just that whole timing thing. 

And after I remind myself of all those things that I know, just sometimes forget...then yes I am absolutely 100% comfortable and better yet confident in my Heavenly Father's plan for me. 

I know that he has a plan for each of us. Of that...I delight everyday!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Thanks for sharing, because I think I need to spend some time instrospecting (I'm making up a new word for it) on that question, if I'm comfortable with Heavenly Father's plan for me...or even what that is. I'm not sure I know, and I'm not sure I AM comfortable with it.
