Sunday, November 18, 2012

I delight in the mormon moment.

Tonight, Elder Rasband of the Presidency of the Seventy spoke at the Ogden LDS Institute of Religion.     He said if he could title his talk it would be: "Sharing the Gospel in the Mormon Moment."  The associated press recently published that the biggest winner in the 2012 election was indeed the Mormon Church.  Maybe in all the hub-bub of the election that I tried so much to avoid, I missed the biggest point, that Mormonism was becoming better understood.  Light was being shed on the church, better and bigger attempts were being made by society at large to understood what we really believe as opposed to common misconceptions. It is a missionaries dream! (And now we're well on our way to doubling the number of missionaries thanks to President Monson's recent announcement about lowering the missionary age.  Coincidence? I don't think so. ;)

Elder Rasband went on to speak about our role in this mormon moment, what we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can do and his answer was essentially to answer others questions and always be ready to bear your testimony/share the things you know.

The Lord knows our hearts. He knows the trajectory of the world and the times in which we live.  He is mindful of His children and of His church.

I invite friends who read this blog, if you have questions, please let me be your person to ask. I love to talk about the gospel of Christ and about why it is the best thing for my life. I always hope that this blog reflects the things that mean the most to me: the gospel and my family. I know family is where it is at and when we have strong families we have strong communities and when we have strong communities we have a strong nation. I know that the most important teaching we do is in the walls of our homes. The gospel of Jesus Christ provides those key teachings, doctrines and principles that serve as the foundation of faith for families in these perilous times.

mormonism won even though romney lost
new missionary age
president monson announces age change for missionaries

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