Dear twenty-fifth year,
Initially I met you with some significant angst. A lot of things were anticipated to happen during your year and a lot of really good things ended up happening. Sure some were hard, some were sad, but for the most part, they were wondrously rewarding. They were mentally, physically, and emotionally challenging but ultimately it was all good for me. You gave me a trip to California to attend ASHA, to open up my eyes to all I could do in my field. You gave me trips to 3 new temples allowing me to meet my bucket list of completing a session in every temple in Utah. You gave me three amazing internships with fantastic supervisors who I can honestly say helped shape me both as a clinician and as a person. You gave me lots of good interviews, offers and a great job that has been a great challenge and an even greater blessing. You gave me adventures to my favorite places including Island Park, St. George and Blanding. You gave me the opportunity to serve in some great callings and be a member of three different wards...not all at the same time of course. You gave me the opportunity to cherish current friends and make some new ones. You gave me a great network and a great new place to learn at lend. You gave me time with my family which I cherish always. You challenged me to be brave, to do things I've never done. You challenged me to learn new things, to be flexible and to remember more than I ever thought I could. You challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone, to try hard things and to walk uncharted ground. I'm grateful for our 365 days. They've been great! You've truly taught me that what Anne Shirley said is true, "It's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it." Cheers, Erin
Great tribute!