Monday, September 5, 2011

I delight in mini roadtrips.

I never knew until a year ago, what the Vernal Utah Temple looked like. In case you don't know--it looks like the picture above!

This weekend my friend Mary and I journeyed to Vernal to attend the temple and do some hiking. Along with doing those two things we also went to Swiss days (a new experience for me), did some speechie stuff, went to a dinosaur trackway (where I got fried and experienced some mild heat stroke) and then traveled to the middle of oil country to fantasy canyon. Ever heard of it? I hadn't either. Pictures to come!

All and all, it was the perfect road trip. Not too far and not too close and definitely on roads I'd never traveled on before. If you are in need of a weekend roadtrip in Utah, may I recommend Vernal. I never imagined those words would come out of my mouth but obviously I was pleasantly surprised at just how great a place it was to be.


  1. i was really surprised to hear you were headed to vernal! it's not really the road trip destination i guess :) sounds like i have misjudged though. i'm excited to see other pictures and hear all about it. what did you think of swiss days?

    (i can't post a comment as carly for some reason. that is why i am anonymous)

  2. Sounds like fun! I've been to Vernal twice for short visits and both times only included the dinosaur museum in town. Maybe some time I'll venture out and see all the other things there are to see there.
