Sunday, June 24, 2012

theme of the week: an imperceptible difference

close tree in zions np
june 2012

i delight in themes.  they're like the glue of my life.  today, as i listened to the bishop speak i knew what the theme of my week was going to be: an imperceptible change.  i'll find the quote of the prophet he was quoting who said this, but until then...

essentially coming to christ, becoming perfect and overcoming life comes in our lives at a level where the change is almost imperceptible.

imperceptible.  an interesting choice of words i've decided.  

i'm still pondering, but writing tends to help that.  if anything the variety of the days events assisted in the theme development.  you know that saying: two steps forward, one step back....that's the way its been for me in the past 24 hours.  progress and digress.  forward and back.  mental forward but physical standstill.

overall delight of the day (on a completely different note): when i got home from a movie night at a friend's house, i went upstairs where i usually tell my mom i'm home (yeah, i know right?  :)  )  and i usually go give little sissy a kiss.  sometimes i ask her if she loves me and even in her sleep she usually says uh-huh.  tonight i started whispering to her as i walked in saying something like, nighty nighty little sis and then a voice out of the pitch black says, oh hello my sweet sister.  like she hasn't been asleep.  because she hasn't.  she then says, i waiting for you!!!  honestly.  i'm not sure there's a better example of pure love than Christin.  i'm pretty sure she is solely responsible for a lot of imperceptible changes of my heart over the years.  

1 comment:

  1. The love you two show for each other is such an inspiration!!
