Tuesday, November 8, 2016

thankful heart day 7 and 8

family backyard from some easters back
this picture has nothing to do with anything in this post, except that i remember this moment with such clarity and i just love having this visual memory of it. 

day 7
I'm thankful for books. I feel like in the past year, I have rekindled my love with reading on a more regular basis (although, binge reading series is a thing for me too). 

Last night, I got home from work and thought...okay am I going to read that book that I have that's due at the library next week? Yep. So me, my couch, pajamas, book, and popcorn settled in for a cozy night in. Don't worry, I finished it this morning before I went to work and put the next book in the series on hold at the library...now to wait for the 10 people who get to read it before I do.

day 8
I'm thankful for pondering. On Sunday, my awesome friend Holly taught Sunday School and led a great discussion about the role and value of pondering. It reminded me that a) I love pondering, b) I miss pondering, c) I can't ponder well without some preliminary steps in place, and d) I need pondering in my life. 

So, I've been remembering the power of always having a pen and something to write with. I've been trying to be better at collecting the promptings I have, and heeding them. I used to be SO good at this; however, with the right tools in place again, I realize I receive revelation more than I think I do when I don't have the tools. Such a powerful first step in the right direction. 

Anyway, I've been thinking about things that have been on my mind for a while and had a couple of quotes stand out to me from my current Audiobook, "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. 

Quote 1: "When you start to make things happen, you begin to believe you can make things happen. And that makes things happen."

Quote 2: "The things that have your attention need to have your intention engaged." 

Such powerhouse quotes!

I have been doing power sheets for the past 6 months (see cultivatewhatmatters.com for more information). Lara Casey's work has been something that has peaked my interest for a few years and earlier this year when I created my "Life Binder" I decided it was time to dive into power sheets so I bought myself a 6 month set, set aside the time to do it, and haven't looked back. It was definitely the thing I needed at the time thtat I needed it. One of her mantra's (for lack of a better term) is "Making things happen." I love it but sometimes...that's so overwhelming to me. I'm making all sorts of things happen but its like "attempted to be controlled chaos" which really is just a mess and I don't handle messes too well. My mind is constantly trying to reign in some order.

Lara has a quote on her site that I love, 

"Comparision isn't just the thief of joy, it's the thief of everything. 
Keep your eyes on your purposeful path.
Celebrate others.
Celebrate progress, not perfection.
Cultivate gratitude over comparision.
Gratitude turns what we have into more than enough."

When I found this quote...I realized just how much comparision was robbing me of and had a decsion moment where I realized that I had to do something about it. Enter my one little word....Intentional.

And so, with all that being said, I've learned a lot this year about managing what you measure, choosing to act and not be acted upon, mind like water, shaking it off, collecting and getting things done, essentialism, and that self-regard isn't selfish.

I'm so thankful for pondering and that by small and simple acts are great things brought to pass. I can do the small and simple.

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