Wednesday, November 9, 2016

thankful heart day 9

If i could write an ode to frozen yogurt and popcorn I would...

Life is good, but man, just want to throw in the towel and move to Canada.

Sometimes life puts you in really uncomfortable positions. I feel like I've been in a handful of them in the past couple of weeks. Receiving feedback, more feedback, more feedback, crying and yet still getting another earful. And then receiving indirect feedback and opinions of my life, my relationship name it...I've probably received some feedback about it. 

Now that's an over exaggeration and I know it. But you know what...25 year old Erin would have lost it and thought she was a complete failure. 29 year old Erin is much more resilient. It hurts but it makes me stretch, it makes me strive, it gives me drive, and I seek to thrive. It's awesome!

I'm so grateful that I've changed. That I'm not who I was last year, or even last month. Tomorrow we arrive at 30 and you know...its going to be okay!

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