Saturday, August 21, 2010

I delight in choosing to delight.

Today, its hard to delight.
My neighbor has peach trees. To keep the birds from eating his peaches he shoots this ridiculously loud blank gunshot about every 45 minutes. BUT TODAY...its every 12 minutes! And it started at 7:00 this morning and I'm about to go insane!!! I jump every time and if I am anywhere remotely close to Christin...she really jumps and says, "Ooo...that scaried me Sis!"

But alas, the delights find their way into my mind...eventually.
I'm moving today. Far far away...okay not far far away but far enough away that I won't have to hear the stupid gunshots ANYMORE (until I come home to visit...blast!!!) :).

Its definitely a bitter sweet experience but I am going to make it more sweet than bitter! :)


  1. Is this same neighbor that wouldn't mow his lawn? Wouldn't it just be easier to wrap some of the red, shiny bird tape stuff around the tree branches. Yes, a longer initial investment with time, but at least he wouldn't have to keep watch on the trees all day long and annoy every one of his neighbors. That's ridiculous!

  2. Oh no its not the one right next door...he still doesn't mow his weeds by the way! Its the one next door to him...I have 2 interesting neighbors! :)
