Monday, June 7, 2010

I delight in hearing.

While this picture has nothing to do with this post...I like it anyway...I slightly delighted in the hot weather today but more so I delighted in how the Lord sent me to a cold mission because today reminded me how much I don't delight in being hot.

My BIGGEST delight of the day however and the one I would like to expound on is hearing. The ability we have to hear. Honestly, I think it is the most over looked sense. We don't really look out for our ears as much as we do our other senses. We put headphones in them and blast music. We subject ourselves to loud concerts and even worse...we put cotton q-tips in them...not good! But our ears offer such a boost to life. To be able to hear allows you to participate most of the world around you. It allows you to hear your phone ring, hear the person on the other end of the phone. It helps you learn what language sounds like so as a small child you can acquire the language and communicate with your environment. Not saying that if you are born without the ability to hear that you can't communicate but there is a big challenge in learning to deal with that barrier.

While I have my hearing, my small ear canals keep me from having good hearing and for the past 3 weeks my hearing has slowly decreased and today I woke up with no hearing in my left ear. It was partial hearing yesterday which affected my ability to listen to multiple conversations, sing the right notes in church, and even affected my sleep. Anyway, today as I properly cleaned out my ear (NOT with a q-tip) and as my ear canal became free of waxy obstruction I delighted in my renewed sense of hearing. Rejoice in your ears! They are a gift from God! :)

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