Sunday, June 13, 2010

I delight in Jesus Christ.

the Christus Statue in the North Visitors Center, Salt Lake City, Utah

photo by me

Anyone who knows me remotely well knows that I love Sundays. They also know that I love my Savior Jesus Christ. It was one of those days when I had a lot going on in my head. A lot, about a little of everything. But one thing is always sure....answers will come.

The answers came throughout the day. They came in the form of coming unto Christ, of learning of Him and of loving Him more.
First, as I felt a feeling in my heart after I prayed
Second, as I heard a soon to be full-time missionary bear humble testimony of him.
Third, in a 'no talk' relief society lesson where the teacher spoke of Christ the whole time, asked questions, and let me ponder and write the feelings in my heart.
Fourth, as I taught about His temple to a group who is preparing to enter it in the near future.
Fifth, as my testimony of His atonement grew as a partook of the sacrament.
Sixth, as answers came as I listened to a speaker and also to the Spirit.
And finally, as I sat at dinner with my family and realized...its because of Him that my family can be together forever!

I am so blessed!

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