Friday, April 1, 2011

I delight in good dentistry.

As I sat in the dental chair for approximately 3 hours today I couldn't help but think...I'm so glad I live when I do. I'm grateful for modern dentistry practices where they can numb you up real well before they carefully drill away at your teeth. Goodness, most of the time there's even televisions in the ceiling for an 'at home' feeling or just distraction from the destruction going on in your mouth. I'm grateful for a dentist who are willing to numb you again when the feeling starts coming back. For a dentist who carefully works around the nerve and who keeps me informed about what he's doing in my mouth. I'm grateful for answers to extraneous questions I'm oh so good at asking. And...I was extra grateful for a sweet sister who convinced my mom to drop her off (since I was there forever) so she could stay and drive home with me.

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