Monday, October 3, 2011

I delight in the Book of Mormon.

Every 6 months I get really anxious for General Conference. This weekend, it came and went, but I'll watch, read, listen, and ponder on it for at least the next 6 months.

One theme I really pulled out of conference this time around was the importance of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon really is the keystone of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I can't remember who said it at the moment, but something was said to the effect that the Book of Mormon has the power to heal emotional and even physical problems. Ah, Elder Scott. I should have known. Elder Scott talked at length about the spiritual power available to us if we commit scriptures to memory. He discussed how the scriptures are good friends--available to us at any time, full of the best counsel, and if we memorize them, the Holy Ghost can them bring them to our minds in those moments of need.

As I listened to Elder Scott refer to the scriptures as friends, my mind flashed back to an experience I had as a missionary. Once, while I was serving in New Brunswick, Canada, Elder Jay Jensen of the Presidency of the Seventy was assigned to speak at our Stake Conference. New Brunswick and part of Maine are all one stake so traveling to meet together was a big deal. Elder Jensen taught the missionaries about how the scriptures are his dear friends and how as he studied them, he felt he was in the presence of friends.

As I reflected on both Elder Jensen and Elder Scott's words, I wondered what my scriptures would say about me. I realized that what my scriptures used to say about me and what they currently say about me are probably two very different things. The conclusion I came away with is this: you've got to give it to receive it. Just like any good friendship 2 things have to be happening: 1) You have to put in the time for that friendship to grow and become better and closer and 2) Friendships either grow deeper or they don't. You have to put in the time to reap the rewards of scripture reading in life. And so, the first commitment I make to myself, that I share with all of you is that my scriptures and I are going to become better friends over the next six months.

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