Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I delight in quiche.

Grad school has killed my time/desire to bake most of the time. However, on the very rare occasion that I make something more than banana muffins and turkey sandwiches (the staples of my existence) I try to make something I've never made before.

Lately, its been quiche. Think about it--if you bake you've already got the stuff for the dough and the filling--well eggs, milk (or half and half if you want more fluff) and then there's the vegetables/meat. I had bacon, onions and broccoli frozen in my freezer so I heated it up till crisp in a saucepan and split it in half so I'd have enough for two quiches (what is better than 1 meal--2!

And so, as I ponder making more quiche (as mine is now gone)--I'm enjoying butternut squash soup. Its the food of "this" week.

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