Monday, November 29, 2010

I delight in no regrets.

the beautiful halifax public gardens

Lots of recent experiences are reflected in the title of this delight. You could say that
"no regrets"
is a mantra I have lived by for a while. While I haven't always been loyal to my mantra, I feel that it is reflective of the desires of my heart.

One of the regrets I have had lately is not 'speaking now.' The reason I put those words in quotes is because in my mind, as I say it, they aren't my words, I'm thinking of Taylor Swift's words from her latests CD. I think she had some great insight. Seriously though, how many times have you not said what you wanted to say, what you should have said. I'm not talking about rude rebuttals or cutting comebacks, I'm talking about the times when you wanted to say something--how you really felt, but you didn't and you regret it forever. Miserable and annoying. I recommend exercising some degree of caution but I stand with Taylor, 'speak now.' Recognize the source of your desire to say what you want to say: is it pride? or is it the spirit? It makes all the difference.

A regret I don't have is being where I'm supposed to be. Believe me its been a regret in the past...not being where I was supposed to be or trying to be where I wanted to be instead of where I was supposed to be but alas, I'm learning. I say this time and time again but its true: my greatest desire is to always be where I'm supposed to be, where the Lord needs me to be. When I have been guided and directed to some of those places, I find solace in kind of a 'spiritual journey check-in'..."Hey, I'm here! Right where you needed me to be right when you needed me to be here. Just checking in! Thanks!" Nothing in the world beats that feeling. Seriously, follow the promptings, no matter how large or small. You will always feel better and feel a larger measure of the spirit. Plus inevitably, you will bless the lives of others.

I delight in looking forward and not regretting the past. Being a rearview navigator is poisonous, dangerous, and absolutely morally corrosive. Think about it...if instead of looking through the windshield to drive your car forward, you looked through the rearview mirror and drove backward. Can you imagine how your driving would be? Scary. Dangerous. Reckless. Well sometimes we try and do that with our lives. We come to a point where we realize that we've made some mistakes and instead of taking a progressive stance (repenting and moving forward) we take a regressive stance (trying to go back and fix the past). We try and go backward, attempting to navigate our past and change things. But I'll tell you...No matter how hard you may try, you cannot change the past...its called the past for a reason...because is PAST! And so, being a rearview navigator won't get you anywhere. Be progressive about life. Hence the whole living with no regrets. Always focus on the future, if you failed today, well make tomorrow better.

Be a better person for the experiences you've had and the things you've learned.

So remember...No Regrets. As Oprah says, Live your best life now.

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration to me! I want to be as spiritually strong as you when I grow up! (Just don't think about my current age.) You are amazing!
