Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I delighted in the twenty-fourth year.

Dear twenty-four,

You've treated me well. Last year, I didn't think I'd survive you but I have. (RIP SALT) You've given me knowledge about all things 'speech-language-e'. You've provided ample learning opportunities through clients, groups, supervisors, classes, and projects. You gave me the cutest puppy in the world. You gave me fantastic memories with family and friends. You gave me travels to california (2), idaho, montana, vernal, moab, and st. george. You've let me fulfill life long wishes and dreams that I thought might never come true. You've given me plenty of learning, stretching, and growing events and activities that have truly worked together for my good. You've given me second chances and chances to be brave--potentially more brave than I've ever been before. You've given me an opinion--a stronger and more well founded opinion than I've ever known. You've given me love from so many souls--family, old friends, new friends, and people I don't know well at all. You've given me a wonderful foundation for the year I'm about to embark on. It's bitter sweet twenty-four. My whole life I dreamed about you as the 'perfect year.' And in every unanticipated and unexpected way, you have been. You've been the perfect year for me.
I'll remember you always,



  1. happy, happy birthday Erin! You are a very wise woman and I think the world of you. You continue to inspire me and I'm so grateful you had a birthday today! Love u friend!
