Friday, February 4, 2011

I delight in a fellow friend.

Christin and her 'color bag' and Misty the dog.

My Mom and I were at Staples (a store we at one time vowed we'd never step foot in again and we would have except...) buying 'twisty-crayons' for Christin. She HAS to have the Staples kind. Not the Crayola kind or the Roseart kind or any other kind...only Staples. We don't know why. But its worth it. Christin a) is adorable and b) has been carrying around 4 (or more) coloring books and her Staples twisty crayons in a bag everywhere she goes for oh 10 years now? Wow!

So tonight we were buying more twisty-crayons--she was out of red. At the checkout, the girl asked if we wanted a rewards card. I told her we buy 'twisty-crayons' at Staples for my sister. "Oh is she an artist?" Mom and I kind of looked at each other..."Yes," I said. Mom smiled, looked at the girl and said, "She has Down syndrome." The girl's eyes lit up, "My sister has Down syndrome too!" Connection***Moment! Her sister is 16, loves Hannah Montana and loves to color pictures that her sister draws for her! That's right, someone else draws lots of pictures for their sister too! Whenever people see the books I've made Christin--they say its so cute but kind of crazy because its so time consuming. But it makes her so happy, I can't not do this one little thing that brings her months and months of joy to color (in the case of the first book I made her, it lasted her my whole mission). This girl sketches Disney characters and then photocopies them for her sister over and over again until her sister gives her new characters to draw. By the time our conversation ended, she and I both had tears in our eyes as we expressed our love for these sweet people in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. What a neat experience! I'm so grateful for moments like that!
