Monday, February 21, 2011

I delight in a voice.

Afflictions in life can easily act as a blockade. Whether its something inside of you or outside of you that somehow in someway 'keeps you' from becoming who you want to be, who you think you could be. A thing called potential. Your potential.

Potential is a powerful thing and for some is a great motivator to keep pushing, keep trying, keep fighting to become something great. However, for others potential can be like a stormy rain cloud like you see in Charlie Brown cartoons, always reminding you that 'if things were different' you could be somewhere different than where you currently are.

I am grateful to those who give afflictions a voice. Who teach the rest of us that in-spite of hard things we can achieve greatness.

Recently, I have been deeply intrigued by the attention the topic of stuttering has received due to the recent release of the movie, "The King's Speech." Considering that I am currently enrolled in a graduate course on the topic of Fluency Disorders (which in effect is an entire course dedicated to the subject of stuttering) I find my own set of 'myths about stuttering' being debunked and my heart being continually drawn out to those who have at some point or still do struggle with stuttering.

I am impressed by the reaction of the media to "The King's Speech" and I truly hope that persons who stutter find a greater voice and a greater power to achieve greatness and fight for their dreams. Coming from someone who has found what they loved and is having the opportunity to do what they love...I want that for others as well. There is such great power, motivation and drive to learn, grow, become and serve when you're able to pursue and do something you're passionate about!

This write up was initiated by this article, found here.

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