Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I delight in school.

the most entertaining part of my day came a 'weirdy moment.'
you see, i had a voice exam , first exam of the semester...always intense because you just don't know how the professor tests.
i did enjoy studying for the exam though...there is something about anatomy that makes my heart really happy. plus there's something about phonatory anatomy that makes my heart even happier! so many tiny little muscles and cartilages and nerves working together to make an amazingly distinct and unique voice--one that identifies YOU. isn't that cool? am i the only one who thinks is absolutely miraculous AND fantastic? anyway, so i'm taking this exam and all of a sudden i went from this moment of feeling intensely sick to feeling absolute joyful. i had this epiphany moment where i realized--i love school and i loved being tested on stuff i loved learning!!! i may be crazy but i do i love learning new things! specifically i love learning these things! this grad program is the place for me! seriously, it makes my heart happy! it consumes my life and i complain about it sometimes sure, but overall...the good outweighs the stress.

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